Tuesday, January 12, 2016

January 12, 2016 - Less than four months till my start date (May 1st)

I'm taking off work April 15 to make final preparations and hitting the trail May 1st from Penn-Mar MD.
My first goal is Duncannon, PA (83 miles) where I'll reach my car and return home to attend Julie's college graduation.
It will be a 10 or 11 day trek (May 1st - 11th), I'm taking my time, at first, to pace myself but it will still be my longest trip to date. I should be back on the trail on May 15th.

I'll be updating this blog using my cell phone.
Don't expect too much from me since I'll be blogging from the trail with limited battery power and connectivity.
I expect that my spelling and grammar will get worse and posts with far fewer fewer as I go along.

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